"Do you wanna build a Snowmaaaann?..."
One of the first statements that stuck with me after watching Frozen...
It is a revolutionary movie with the plot revolving mainly around the sisters. I connect to it on a personal level because of the fact that I have a younger sister.
All the while during the movie, I remember relating it to the things that we did, and still do... Albeit without the snow...
This is an instant connect. The number of instances where "Anna" couldn't sleep and we have sneaked out of our beds to do crazy stuff. We still do, but with a little bit of responsibility (Our parents still deny this, but we like to believe that we have grown to be responsible).
The way Anna jumps on Elsa, pulls her out of bed and drags her out to the hallway... Everything is bang on...No.. Not the snow... I really wish I could though.!!
The whole excitement of doing something in the dead of the night... Without getting caught... The numerous times we have gotten away with the craziest of things...
Wonderful times..
Yes. We have had our share of casualties. Serious ones that needed stitches and heavy plasters as well.
But rather than being upset about the scars, we reminisce the sweet memories that gave us the scars (we kinda have one for every other thing we tried).
Our parents too let us experiment and learn rather than reprimand us for crossing the limits. We tried new things, goofed up, got hurt and got back stronger - mentally, emotionally and physically, learning important life lessons on the way.
We Learnt..To whisper and tip-toe round the house, so we wouldn't wake any one.
To experiment and observe, rather that be told and remember
To make mistakes and fall down... More importantly, to rise stronger after every fall
To Love unconditionally, trust each other and stand by each other
To tell the truth, no matter what... especially when we had goofed up, so it could be fixed without delay.
To accept our mistakes and learn from them. Improvise and get better
To believe that nobody mattered. We were a team against the world.
To Forgive, not just others, but ourselves as well, for all that we did and all that we didn't
To acknowledge both our strengths and weaknesses, and use them to our advantage.
To follow our hearts and also apply the mind where needed.
Most importantly, to Live Life each day and build memories together...
Because, when the day comes to replay our life, it should be worth the watch.!
Dedicated to all the Sisters...
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