
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Elsa and Anna...

"Do you wanna build a Snowmaaaann?..."
One of the first statements that stuck with me after watching Frozen...

It is a revolutionary movie with the plot revolving mainly around the sisters. I connect to it on a personal level because of the fact that I have a younger sister. 

All the while during the movie, I remember relating it to the things that we did, and still do... Albeit without the snow...

This is an instant connect. The number of instances where "Anna" couldn't sleep and we have sneaked out of our beds to do crazy stuff. We still do, but with a little bit of responsibility (Our parents still deny this, but we like to believe that we have grown to be responsible).

The way Anna jumps on Elsa, pulls her out of bed and drags her out to the hallway... Everything is bang on...No.. Not the snow... I really wish I could though.!!

The whole excitement of doing something in the dead of the night... Without getting caught... The numerous times we have gotten away with the craziest of things...
Wonderful times..


Yes. We have had our share of casualties. Serious ones that needed stitches and heavy plasters as well.
But rather than being upset about the scars, we reminisce the sweet memories that gave us the scars (we kinda have one for every other thing we tried).

Our parents too let us experiment and learn rather than reprimand us for crossing the limits. We tried new things, goofed up, got hurt and got back stronger - mentally, emotionally and physically, learning important life lessons on the way.

We Learnt..
To whisper and tip-toe round the house, so we wouldn't wake any one.

To experiment and observe, rather that be told and remember

To make mistakes and fall down... More importantly, to rise stronger after every fall

To Love unconditionally, trust each other and stand by each other

To tell the truth, no matter what... especially when we had goofed up, so it could be fixed without delay.

To accept our mistakes and learn from them. Improvise and get better

To believe that nobody mattered. We were a team against the world.

To Forgive, not just others, but ourselves as well, for all that we did and all that we didn't

To acknowledge both our strengths and weaknesses, and use them to our advantage.

To follow our hearts and also apply the mind where needed.

Most importantly, to Live Life each day and build memories together...

Because, when the day comes to replay our life, it should be worth the watch.!

Dedicated to all the Sisters...

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Lessons from The Lion King

The Lion King is one movie that never fails to Inspire... I've watched this movie over and over again and it never fails to astound. What is specially noteworthy about this movie is that there are subtle, but powerful, messages in the movie that can be applied to our daily lives.

Thoughts that are as powerful as they are simple...
Hakuna Matata “It means no worries for the rest of your days. It’s a problem-free philosophy.”

This is one line that rings a bell. Every. Single. Time... 

You cannot control the things around you, the people and their reactions. So stop worrying about the things you cannot change, because they are not in your hands… And the things that you can change, because they are in your hands!

Live life problem-free. No Worries..!
Put your past behind you “Bad things happen, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

Yes. This is one thing we must all learn to do. The past is in the past. Nothing can be done about it. Get up... Move to the future…

Like it’s said “Shit Happens. Flush it! You aren't getting anywhere sitting on the Bowl!”
Be Brave “Being brave doesn't mean Looking for trouble.”

You don’t have to look for trouble. It just means that you have the strength to be yourself and stand up for things that matter to you.

It doesn't mean you are not afraid. It means that your courage is bigger than your fears.
Learn from your Past “Yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, is that you can either run from it, or learn from it.”

Running away does not solve the problem. Neither does ignoring.

It is important that we face what has happened and learn from it. Rafiki put it straight into Simba’s head … With a whack…

Learn from your past, apply in the present and improvise in future.
Be your True Self “Remember who you are.”

Situations and people lead us to believe that we are incapable of almost everything that we wish to do. The truth is, those people either did not have the guts to try something or they failed and never got back.

What we need to remember is that there is potential within that can open up endless possibilities.
Strive to be different. Stand Up. Stand Apart.

Remember that you are Worth It. Go ahead and grab what is truly yours.
Live to your true potential “look inside yourself. You are more than what you have become.”

There is power within that is stronger than anything external. Recognize and acknowledge that power. Nurture it.

There is more to life than the daily grind. What the mind can conceive, it has the power to achieve.
Push yourself, go out and get it done!
Life is……“Life is not fair, is it?”

Okay. How many times have we heard that life is not fair?

On an average, it would be once every day. That is about 365 times a year... Which means an average 25 year old would have heard it a  whooping 9130 times.!!!!!!!

Funny, isn't it? How we blame “Life” for everything that is wrong? Fate, Destiny, Kismet, Karma…. There is endless jargon used to emphasize this fact! Truth is, Life favors those who are ready to take risks, move out of their comfort zone and get something done.

Life happens to everyone. It’s up to each one of us to design it the way we like it.

So Let's Hakuna Matata 
                           And Live life King Size.!!